

Become China literate

See ‘Get China Ready’ on eBooks above)


CHINA ARTICLES: by Brian Hennessy

Analysis & opinion:  Informed commentary on important events in China (cultural, economic, political, & social). From a ‘bottom-up as well as a ‘top-down’ perspective. 

Life and society:  A taste of what life is really like in China. Useful information for westerners who want to look beyond mainstream media reports on China.

Travel: off the beaten track:  The real China. Beyond Beijing, the Great Wall, and the Terracotta Warriors. Authentic, enlightening, and interesting.


CHINESE CULTURE: how to cope with ‘Things Chinese’

Spectrum:  A series of articles on Chinese culture, language, tourists, and cultural adaptation. More detail contained in eBooks written by Brian & Yirong Li (see eBooks on the toolbar above).


OTHER: staying on top of things

Managing your mental health:  Information for expatriates on Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Cultural Adaptation, etc.

Plus:  a few other unrelated articles on, for example; The Silk Road by Train, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. 


Celebrating Tang Dynasty culture in Xi’an. Shaanxi Province.

CONSULTANCY: We can help you to Get China Ready






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