About us

Black Dragon Pool. Lijiang. Yunnan Province.


Brian Hennessy (in brief)

Brian Hennessy is an Australian author, educator, and psychologist who has lived and worked in China for thirteen years. These days he divides his time between both countries.

He has been a special school principal of a school for severely disabled children in Australia, and a clinical psychologist in both Australia and China. He has also been a tutor at James Cook University in Australia; and a visiting lecturer in Psychology at the Chongqing Medical University in China.

His publications include, The Sharp End: the trauma of a war in Vietnam (a book about his experiences as an infantryman in the Vietnam War); and psychological research on PTSD published in Behaviour Change and The Clinical Psychology Review. He has also written about Stress, Anxiety, & Depression for Chinese people; and Traditional Chinese Values and Cultural adaptation for foreigners. His books on China include: Get China Ready: understand Chinese culture – manage cultural differences (a joint publication with Yirong Li); Chongqing: an introduction (a Publication for the Chongqing Govt.); and, An Australian in China: stories from the hinterland.

Brian’s perspective on China is bottom-up as well as top-down, and includes commentary on social, cultural, economic, historical, and political matters.

He speaks functional Mandarin, travels widely within China, and is integrated into Chinese society. His wife is an assistant professor of Chinese language and culture from mainland China. Together they bring a bi-cultural perspective to Australia-China relations.

In brief:

  • Author: Publications on China and on Mental Health.
  • Educator: In both Australia and China
  • Psychologist: In Australia and China.
  • Nationality: Australian. Thirteen years in China (and counting).



Resume (detailed)

Academic qualifications

  • Diploma in Teaching (Primary & Special Education). Griffith University.
  • Bachelor of Arts (Major in Psychology). University of Queensland. Australia.
  • Master of Education (Developmental Disabilities). University of Oregon, USA.
  • Post-graduate Diploma in Psychology (Post Traumatic Stress) University of Queensland.


  • Hennessy (1985). The New Team Manager. Special Education Bulletin, Vol 27, 2.
  • Hennessy (2009). Culture Shock in China. Chongqing currents, Vol 5, Nov-Dec.
  • Hennessy (2010). Stress. Chongqing Currents, Vol 1, Jan-Feb.
  • Hennessy (2010). Depression. Chongqing Currents. Vol 2, Mar-April.
  • Oei, Lim, & Hennessy (1990). Psychological dysfunction in battle: Combat stress reactions and posttraumatic stress disorder. Clinical Psychology Review, 10.
  • Hennessy & Oei (1991). The relationship between severity of combat exposure and  Army  status on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among Australian Vietnam war veterans. Behavior Change, 8, 30.
  • Hennessy (1997). The Sharp End: the trauma of a war in Vietnam. Allen & Unwin, Australia.
  • Hennessy (2011). (Editor and contributor). Practical English for professional collegesVolumes 1 & 2. Shanghai Press.
  • Hennessy (2011). Chinese tourism in CairnsBusiness Week Opinion, Cairns Post (Australia). June 1, 2011 
  • Hennessy (2012). Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in Modern China. Shanghai Press.
  • Hennessy (2012). Stress: how to manage stress and balance your life. Amazon Kindle eBooks.
  • Hennessy & Li (2013) What do Chinese tourists want? Cairns Post. March.
  • Hennessy & Li (2013) Chinese tourists in Cairns. Cairns Post. August 7.
  • Hennessy (2012). On stress.  Xuebao Chongqing Cheng Shi Zhi Ye Xue Yuan. Vol 1, No 1. (Journal of Urban Vocational College of Chongqing).
  • Zhang, H., Yang, X., Zhang, Y., & Hennessy, B. (2014). Dimensions of Perceived Support for Innovation Scale. A Comparison of Students From Only Child and Multiple Children Families in a Chinese University. British journal of Education, Society, & Behavioural science. 4 (5): 633-646.
  • Hennessy (2014). An Australian in China: stories from the hinterland. Amazon Kindle eBooks.
  • Hennessy (2014). Get China Ready: Understand Chinese culture. Manage cultural differences. Amazon Kindle eBooks.
  • Hennessy (2014). Chongqing: an introduction. Yuzhong Qu Government publication; and, Amazon Kindle eBooks.
  • Hennessy (2018). Trouble in China: Xi Jinping and the looming collapse. Independent Australia. September 16.

A series of articles on, ‘LIFE IN CHINA’ (N=32). Published by Online Opinion: Australia’s e-journal of social & political debate. http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/ Look under Authors, ‘H’See titles below:-

  1. A knock on the door. 07/2019
  2. On worrying about China: 2018. 8/08/2018
  3. On worrying about China: 2016. 1/03/2016
  4. In China: what is truth? 9/04/2015
  5. Xi Jinping’s plan. 1/04/2015
  6. On attracting Asian tourists to Australia. 17/03/2014
  7. Reading the tea-leaves in China. 14/03/2013
  8. Don’t mention the Cultural Revolution. 30/05-2012
  9. We live in interesting times. 19/03/2012
  10. Politics and Power in China: the endgame. 28/02/2012
  11. China from the inside out.  15/02/2012
  12. A song and dance in China.  6/07/2011
  13. Will the real China please stand up. 28/09/2010
  14. Coping with life in China: contradictions. 18/09/2010
  15. Watching China. 12/08/2010
  16. Understanding China: it’s in Australia’s national interest. 31/05/2010
  17. China: On mercantilism. 1/02/2010
  18. Fushun: Small town China. 14/01/2010
  19. China’s rise: Why worry? 3/12/2009
  20. Chinese culture, western philosophies, and government. 12/10/2009
  21. A thief, me, and the PSB. 13/08/2009
  22. Watching CCTV and reading between the lines. 27/07/2009
  23. China, iron-ore, and Australia. 16/07/2009
  24. China: the way it has always been. 30/06/2009
  25. Scratching a living: China reality. 14/06/2009
  26. Chinese people aren’t stupid. 3/06/2009
  27. Sichuan earthquake. Return to ground zero. 21/05/2009
  28. Interesting times in China 2009. 29/04/2009
  29. Chinese migrant workers’ welcome back to poverty. 9/03/2009
  30. ‘Social disorder’ on the Tibetan Plateau. 25/02/2009
  31. ‘Qiongren’ – the poor people. 11/02/2009
  32. Earthquake in Sichuan, China: the aftermath. 5/02/2009
  33. Misty-eyed westerners need a Tibetan history lesson. 27/01/2009

Radio interviews:

  • Radio Mansfield 99.7FM. Interview with Tony Cox. Topic: China. 28/09/2010
  • ABC Radio National: Late Night Live. Philip Adams. Topic: China. (2009)
  • Radio Mansfield 99.7FM. Interview with Tony Cox. Topic: Chinese politics. March, 2012.



Wind and Rain Bridge in Chenyang – Dong minority people live here in this isolated mountain countryside. Guangxi Province.



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