Author Archive

Vietnam: A battle.

Brian (Chick) Hennessy. Vietnam veteran. Vietnam: A battle He is relaxing in his company lines in Nui Dat, the base camp for Australian troops in Vietnam. This is home. And this is a rare day off from patrolling outside the wire, the barbed-wire perimeter surrounding this small piece of Australia in Phuoc Thuy province. Although […]

Vietnam: The Horseshoe.

Brian (Chick) Hennessy. Vietnam veteran. Vietnam: the Horseshoe He sits, rifle across his lap, webbing beside him, and his body leaning against the trunk of a small tree. He is exhausted but alert. Ever ready to grasp his weapon and adopt a firing position. He is in the Long Green, a narrow strip of savannah scrub […]

China and greatness

Brian Hennessy. An Australian in China. October, 2009 China is carrying a lot of excess baggage on its journey to greatness. This nation’s nagging fear however, is that although it may be big, it suspects that it may never be great. Powerful? Yes. Great? I’m not so sure – let’s wait and see.   China […]

Stress: preventing burnout.

Adapted by Brian Hennessy from article in by Smith, Jaffe-Gill, Segal &  Segal. Dec 2008.   Preventing Burnout Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Coping Strategies If constant stress has you feeling disillusioned, helpless, and completely worn out, you may be suffering from burnout. When you’re burned out, problems seem insurmountable, everything looks bleak, and it’s […]

压力的症状 Stress symptoms.

Brian Hennessy, DipT; BA; MEd; DipPsych. Australian Psychologist, Chongqing, China. . 压力的症状 Stress symptoms. . 如果你想知道自己的压力是否过大这里有个测试。 Please read the following symptoms of stress. Fill in the circle in front of your symptoms. _______________________________________________________________________ 第一阶段 第一阶段是令人愉快的,很多的人喜欢并沉迷于这样的感觉。然而,精力却在不断消耗。这时也许你需要调整一下计划,或者你需要给自己放个假。 Stage 1 is usually considered pleasant, and many people enjoy and become addicted to it. 症状: O     极大的热情      […]

Anxiety: how big a problem is it?

Robert L Leahy Ph.D. Psychology Today. April 30, 2008 How Big a Problem is Anxiety? In any given year about 17% of us will have an anxiety disorder. The chances are fairly high that either you or a loved one has had a history of anxiety. In any given year about 17% of us will […]

Stress and heart health.

Dr Stephen Sinatra. Psychology Today. January 11, 2009, Integrative Medicine Dr Stephen Sinatra Stress and protecting your health. Better health during tough times. During the continuing economic turmoil, the plight of an 89-year-old Massachusetts man aired on TV’s Good Morning America put the situation in a very poignant, personal framework. Paul Camyre was unable to […]

Severe depression: do’s and don’ts.

Adapted by Brian Hennessy from article in Psychology Today.   The Do's Do recognize that depression by itself appears to be a risk factor for heart disease—one that may be modifiable, by aggressive treatment of the mood disorder. Do take extra steps to separately minimize the risks of heart disease. Be sure to eat a […]

Mild depression: self-help activities.

J Gowan. Psychology Today. Self-help activities to relieve the symptoms of mild depression Whether it’s because your boss admonished you, your boyfriend forgot your birthday or your favorite footballl team lost, we all get the blues now and then. Rather than digging yourself into a hole and hiding from your problems, why not plant a tree and […]

Culture, Philosophy, and Government.

Brian Hennessy. An Australian in China. October, 2009 No matter how much Westerners may dislike the Communist Party and its tentacles which infiltrate almost every aspect of daily life in the Middle Kingdom, China’s rise confronts us with an inconvenient truth: maybe this is the best system for governing China at this stage in her […]

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