压力的症状 Stress symptoms.
Brian Hennessy, DipT; BA; MEd; DipPsych. Australian Psychologist, Chongqing, China. .
Stress symptoms.
Please read the following symptoms of stress. Fill in the circle in front of your symptoms.
第一阶段 第一阶段是令人愉快的,很多的人喜欢并沉迷于这样的感觉。然而,精力却在不断消耗。这时也许你需要调整一下计划,或者你需要给自己放个假。
Stage 1 is usually considered pleasant, and many people enjoy and become addicted to it.
O 极大的热情
Great zest.
O 异常敏捷的思维
Unusually acute perception.
O 精力过于旺盛
Excessive nervous energy
O 比平时能完成更多的工作.
Ability to accomplish more work than usual
第二阶段 这个阶段,一些不大好的症状可能会出现,每天的精力似乎不够了.
Stage 2. A few less pleasant symptoms noticed. Energy reserves do not last thru the day.
O 起床后觉得很累,或是午餐后觉得没有精力.
Tiredness after rising, or flagging energy after lunch.
O 偶尔出现胃肠功能紊乱
Occasional disturbance of stomach or bowel functions.
O 心悸
Heart flutters.
O 背部和头部肌肉的紧张
Tightness of muscles in the back and around the skull.
O 觉得难以放松
A feeling of being unable to relax.
第三阶段 感到很明显的疲倦
Stage 3. Tiredness becomes more pronounced.
O 严重的胃肠道功能紊乱
Greater disturbance of bowel functions.
O 胃部不适
Stomach troubles.
O 肌肉紧张
Muscle tightening.
O 加重的紧张感.
Increased feelings of tenseness.
O 睡眠不好
Sleep disturbances.
O 觉得自己要昏倒 (没有出现真正的昏倒).
Feeling like fainting (without actually fainting).
第四阶段 症状变得严重
Stage 4. Symptoms increase.
O 觉得一天很难度过.
Great difficulty getting through the day.
O 很不愿参加原来很喜欢的活动
Previously pleasant activities are now difficult to engage in.
O 不喜欢交流,不喜欢与朋友在一起和参加社会活动
Withdrawal from conversations, friends, social activities etc.
O 睡眠受到严重干扰,做不愉快的梦,早醒.
Increased sleep disturbance. Early morning awakening between 3 & 5am
O 消极的想法和感受
Negative thoughts and feelings.
O 难以集中精力
Poor concentration.
O 莫名的畏惧.
Nameless fears.
第五阶段 上面的症状加重
Stage 5. A deepening of the above symptoms.
O 极度的疲劳
Extreme fatigue.
O 完成很简单的工作都觉得困难
Difficulty managing fairly simple tasks.
O 极度的胃肠道功能紊乱.
Extreme disturbance of stomach and bowel.
O 畏惧加重
Pervasive feelings of fear.
第六阶段 最后的令人恐惧阶段
Stage 6. The final and terrifying (to the sufferer) period.
O 心脏跳得厉害、 恐慌感
Pounding of heart & feelings of panic due to adrenaline surge.
O 喘气,换气过度
Gasping for breath. Hyperventilation.
O 颤抖、发汗.
Trembling, shivering, sweating.
O 四肢末端麻木或针刺感.
Numbness or tingling in the extremities.
O 筋疲力尽,没有精力应对简单的工作
Sheer exhaustion. Barely enough energy to do simple tasks.