

With a Dai minority family in Bingzhongluo, Nujiang Valley, Yunnan Province. Close to the Tibetan border. 2012. (see: An Australian in China, in eBooks above). 


If we hope to understand China, we should look at this ancient society from a bottom-up as well as a top-down perspective.

China is more than The Great Wall, The Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Warriors of Xi’an; and more than the concrete and glass metropolises which are spreading around the countryside like weeds. It is also more than the Chinese Communist Party and its oppressions. 

The real China is elsewhere: in the daily life of urban citizens, the 800 million poor people who live in rural areas, and the fifty-five ethnic minority peoples who occupy China’s border regions.

During his time in China (2003 – 2020), Brian lived and worked as an author, educator, and psychologist in the inland city of Chongqing. When not working, he travelled around the countryside: observing everything, meeting locals, taking photos, and writing it all down.

This website features articles and snapshots of life in the hinterland of China today. Part autobiography, part travelogue, and part opinion, it offer a boots on the ground view of China that you rarely see on the news. 

Brian is an old China hand. Consult him. 


Chongqing. An inland metropolis on the Yangtze River, 1600kms west of Shanghai (See: Chongqing: an introduction, in eBooks above).


PS: These days Brian Hennessy is based in his Australian home in Cairns. Reasons? Covid 19 and Geopolitics.




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